Here you can find out all important information or relevant updates about the company RenderThat - such as our company events or upcoming feature releases in the HUB - first-hand.

Technology investor ImCap invests in innovative CGI software specialist RenderThat
RenderThat receives growth financing from German micro-cap technology investor ImCap.

RenderThat makes Jan Viohl Head of Growth
Another step for RenderThat to become a technology company

Mirko Esser becomes new Director Finance at RenderThat
He should set up the Finance department and decisively shape the transformation of the 3D agency.

The potential of CGI in e-commerce
Instead of traditionally produced photos, many e-commerce companies are already using digitally generated images on a large scale
Make your Product digitization more efficient
We help companies digitize product portfolios with hundreds of items. Our workflows are tailored to your company and ensure maximum output with minimal effort.